It’s that time again — let’s dive deep into some of the most awesome crafts the web has to offer!
This time we’re mixing together three awesome ideas: one that can surprise someone special, one that can celebrate the spirit of the season, and one that can help you look ahead to spring.
There’s almost nothing better than getting a thoughtful card from someone. In fact, the only thing better may be giving this type of gesture yourself. Here are some quick tips from Love to Know on how you can make your card stand out with cute fonts, paper folding, and more. This makes your card function as more of a beautiful art project than a simple note.
Feeling that winter chill? It may just make you want to put on your warmest socks — or, if you have some spares lying around, you can take them and turn them into one of these adorable sock snowpeople. Ciao Mama shows us how here. All it takes is the socks, some rice/beans/lentils, rubber bands, twine, and buttons and/or felt.
We close out the list by looking ahead to a time when the snow will have melted — and we won’t be the only ones enjoying it. While the ladybugs may love to come out in spring, you can put them on your refrigerator with these fun felt magnets brought to us via Crafts By Amanda. All it takes is fabric scraps, round lids, felt, card stock, craft paint, round magnets, scissors, a pen, a paintbrush, toothpicks, and glue. One trip to the craft store, and you’ll be ready in no time.
We’ll keep plenty of cool and fun DIY craft ideas coming your way all year long. Follow NORA Best Life on Twitter and Facebook so you never miss a post.