They say we eat with our eyes first, so the way your kitchen looks will impact your appetite. These DIY decor ideas are perfect to make any kitchen look sweeter.
Whether you have a small kitchen because you seldom cook, or you have a large kitchen you spend plenty of time in, consider these awesome ideas from Better Homes and Gardens.
At the top of the list is an item that belongs at the bottom of any room. Rugs are handy to protect your floor in the kitchen, but they can also be a nice aesthetic choice. Check out this stencil design you can use to make your rug beautiful and eye-catching.
The kitchen can also be a place to keep everyone updated about the day’s tasks, chores, and schedule. Using messenger and bulletin boards allows you to keep everyone informed, while also decorating your refrigerator and cupboard doors in the process. These are also great for passionate chefs, as they can write down ingredients and recipes for quick reference.
We end with another design choice that’s as much of a functional improvement as an aesthetic one. Open shelving is popular for speeding up your cooking output while also displaying your fine kitchenware and other decor items.
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