Is there anything more relaxing than a trip to the spa?
There’s only one way to improve this period of pampering and rejuvenation. That’s to bring it into the comfort of your own home with DIY spa ideas.
Your mind, body, and spirit may feel refreshed after you try these relaxing ideas to recharge your being. If the spa is a place to rebuild your wellness, this list is a guide on how to create the tools you’ll need.
Oatmeal and honey aren’t just amazing with breakfast. They also make for a wonderful facial mask that can rejuvenate your skin. Somewhat Simple provides the instructions.
A spa trip is often compared to a car tune-up. If that’s the case, foot treatments are the equivalent of tire maintenance. This homemade foot balm can soothe your wheels after a busy day. Elana’s Pantry explains how to make it.
The above DIY spa ideas cover your face and feet. If you want to cover everywhere in between, consider sinking into a hot bath, spa style. That means adding in some bath balms. Byrdie explains how to make your own here.
Thanks again to the great minds who came up with these creations — if you ran a spa, we’d definitely visit!
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