3 Lawn Care Tips You Can Use in a Drought

  • Post category:DIY

At a time when more people are enjoying the outdoors, it’s nice to have a beautiful lawn you can show off. Like any living thing, your yard requires care. But how can you manage lawn care in a drought?

This looks like a job for the boss — The Backyard Boss, that is. These gurus of grass have compiled a great list of tips you can use to help your yard beat the heat, and we’ll summarize them here.

Step 1: Get the Proper Equipment

You’ll want a soil moisture sensor. This shows you how your yard is doing — the eye test isn’t enough. A sprinkler allows you to water your yard for longer without using as much water, balancing both the yard’s needs and your water budget. If you must mow, try to adjust your blades and leave taller grass around — it helps to hold moisture, protect soil, and strengthen roots.

Step 2: Be Proactive

The sooner you take action to fight against droughts, the better. This means by pulling up weeds or adding a little mulch ahead of the drought, you guard your grass against rays that would’ve otherwise ravaged it. You should also work to keep everything off the lawn, whether it walks on two legs or four. And of course, be sure to check the weather and almanac for signs of coming droughts.

Step 3: Stay Consistent

The more consistent you are with your lawn work, the better. It’s not just about spending the most money or even the most time. Focus on keeping a steady routine, tailored to your lawn’s needs. Consistency is key for lawn care in a drought. It also helps to fend off other threats like insects, frost, and more.

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