While some people go all out with crafts, you don’t always need a truckload of supplies or an art background to make something beautiful.
These simple DIY winter crafts are easy to make and add a lot of seasonal spirit to whatever room they’re in. The best part? They don’t have to just be for you.
Even if Christmas has passed, the spirit of giving should live in our hearts all year long. You can make something special for your special someone to make the giving gesture that much more sincere.
These awesome DIY winter craft ideas come to us by way of Country Living and the first comes from Maria Fuchs. With just a simple piece of paper and some origami instructions, you can make paper snowflakes that look great indoors and out.
The next DIY craft idea comes from Brian Woodcock. With some yarn, preferably weaved into colorful patterns for creativity, you can wrap everything from vases to mugs to candle holders to create a beautiful look or a beautiful gift.
The final idea comes from Julie Blanner and is a Mint Milk Bath. It’s something that’s fun to make and relaxing to use – it also creates a soothing and even romantic ambiance, which is especially nice since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.
Looking for more fun DIY winter craft ideas? Follow NORA Best Life on Facebook and Twitter so you never miss a fun idea for decor, crafts, recipes, and more.